1:29 AM

Las Hayas Resort Hotel – Ushuaia, Argentina

Posted by M. Wajahat |

Hotel Description

Las Hayas Resort Hotel, known for its personalized attention and superior comfort, is a sort of small and luxurious mountain castle among a forest of beeches with the warmth of an English country-style house decor. The hotel is a symbol of the spirit of those who love nature. Its architecture blends in with the landscape and invites you to enjoy Tierra del Fuego the way you deserve. Located in a privileged site overlooking the beagle channel and Ushuaia Bay, it is surrounded by a huge beech (hayas) forest, and is only a few minutes away from downtown and Ushuaia international airport. Along the five hectares of the resort's park you may enjoy fresh creeks full of dams skillfully made by beavers and go for walks, horse rides and cross country skiing. Nearby rivers and lakes are a fisherman's paradise. Trout and salmon areready to give you a show of color and originality. Visiting the National Park, the End of the World Museum and sailing in the Beagle Channel are just a few alternatives only minutes away from the hotel. The hotel offers complimentary wi-fi access for all room types and lobby lounge zone, as well as 4
computers with internet access free of charge.


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